
This blog is for passionate travelers across the globe – whether you’re an eternal nomad or a flash-packer – if you love to travel then this blog is for you.

Vacation travels are exciting, and that is especially true if one’s destination is the countryside or some other country. Not everybody, however, shares this excitement. People who have grown too comfortable with their homes, for example, may find traveling very depressing.


Travel can be a time and resource intensive activity. There are many things that can go wrong, and often do, but careful planning, prioritizing and goal setting can reduce the number and severity of most problems that may creep into your travel experiences. Learning how to set and prioritize your travel goals will take you a long way towards creating travel plans that will fit into your life and are more likely to bring you wonderful memories.

Your participation is very welcome.
Just as I’ve shared and am sharing my experiences and ideas with you, I’d love for you to share your experiences with me. Feel free to participate in this blog by writing your comments, ideas, experiences or simply by contacting me