Apart from wearing the right clothes and shoes for the gorilla trek, there are other valuable items that you should not forget. Insect repellents, sunscreens, enough water, waterproof camera bags and walking sticks are some of the most important to bring along. Depending on the weather, you can also consider packing poncho or rain jackets and a hat and other necessary items you might need for the weather conditions. The truth is that the mountainous regions may be cold and rainy and you need to be prepared for the conditions.
If you are someone that loves to travel but cannot afford to quit their day job, you might not realize it, but there are ways that you can learn how to travel as a job. Developing the right skill sets will allow you to set yourself up for a career option that enables you the ability to travel to different locations and get paid for it.
This is a 4 or 5 day trek starting from Gangotri to the Gangotri Glacier. It is one of the most popular treks and is usually taken up as a religious pilgrimage. The literal meaning of Gomukh is cow’s snout and it refers to the origin of the Ganges River. Are you travelling with kids? Or are you a roller coasters fan? Have fun is not a matter of age… You can always enjoy a good day at the amusement park “Holiday World”. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy a movie at the 6D cinema! Or enjoy typical attractions like the Ferris wheel, the pirate ship, roller coasters and bumper cars, among many other attractions.
Has someone ever seen the “White Lady” at Brownsville Road? A drive on the ‘Green Bridge’, Maine rakes up an icky feeling. You cannot help standing a quiver with bated breath while you’re driving to one of the creepiest haunted houses in Maine.
They called him Capt. Ron, a crusty old salt. He served in the Merchant marine after coming out of the Maritime Academy, class of ’63. For over 30 years Capt. Ron has seen practically every port there is. Now, in the twilight of his years he still yearns for one last great voyage. A voyage of self discovery as he called it. To him it is part of who he is. The calling of the sea has always beckoned him back.