Severomuyskiy ridge


Severomuyskiy Ridge was one of the most difficult areas of BAM. Prior to the opening of the tunnel trains Severomuisk followed by bypass railway line, laid across the ridge. The first option to bypass length of 24.6 km was built in 1982 – 1983; during its construction to a maximum slope of 40 thousandth (ie, up to 40 meters per kilometer ascent distance). Because of this, through this line could follow only a few freight trains of cars; passenger traffic was prohibited (through pass people on the bus were taken).


Was built in 1986, but the constant movement of trains began in 1989. Itykit passes over the river and the old (now dismantled) bypass. Height up to 35 meters. Located on the characteristic bunk supports, Russia’s only bridge of this design. A little shaken by the passage of heavy trains him (since 2002 those on the bridge did not go, and goes only working train; basic movement goes on Severomuisk tunnel). Bridge enjoys notoriety among drivers who are afraid to pass over the bridge (there are rumors that machinists and now baptized before entering it). Considered one of the most beautiful places on the BAM, attracts many amateur tourists.



In places where there is a risk of rockfalls, such galleries built over the road. Right visible mound and catenary poles workaround by which trains were built up to the gallery.

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