Kuznetsk fortress – historical and architectural monument of federal importance, is in the Kuznetsk district of the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.
Stone fortress on Mount Ascension built in Kuznetsk in 1800-1820 years by order of the Emperor Paul I, as part of the Siberian line to protect southern Siberia to the Chinese threat. Never since the construction was not involved in hostilities. Abolished as a military fortress in 1846.
A well-known tourist destination.
Fortress area is about 20 hectares. Along the perimeter of the fortress with the form of an elongated rectangle , fortifications consist of the rampart with redanami , inside redanov sprinkled ramp for lifting guns. At the corners of the fortress constructed polubastiony , two of them ( Tomsk and Kuznetsk ) lined with sandstone slabs . Between the stone two-storey brick built polubastionami Passage lookout tower to the tower went out on the road Barnaul .
Inside the fortress was located eight stone buildings and wooden one .
1. guardhouse
2 . powder magazine
3 . soldier’s barracks
4 . Chief officers house
5 . soldier kitchen
6. Staff-officers house
7. storeroom
8. Barnaul Passage Tower
9. Wooden storage peace extinguishing machines