
Volgograd and known as Stalingrad from 1925 to 1961, is an important industrial city and the administrative center of Volgograd Oblast, Russia. It is 80-kilometer (50 mi) long, north to south, situated on the western bank of the Volga River. Population: 1,021,215 (2010 Census).


The city became famous for its resistance, as well as the extensive physical damage and death toll it suffered during the Battle of Stalingrad against the German Army in World War II. Since February 2013, the city’s name is to be commemorated as Stalingrad six days each year.


Modern Volgograd is a city not only with great history. Volgograd today is one of the most beautiful cities of Russia, a large industrial, transportation, scientific, economic, cultural and tourist centre.

Arc de Triomphe on the Volga-Don canal. 1952. Architect. Polyakov

Being one of the largest cities in the South-East of the Europe (the permanent population is above 1 million), Volgograd is located a thousand kilometers to southeast from Moscow, on the bend of the Volga lower reaches.

Grand ensemble on the Volga River.

Volgograd stretches for 85 km along the Volga right bank. It covers the territory of 85 900 sq. ha. The city has a historically developed linear system of planning. On the northeast the city ends with the Volzhskaya hydroelectric plant, on the south-western border there is the Volga-Don navigation canal which has made Volgograd a port of five seas.
The city consists of 8 administrative districts.
The perspectives of social-economic development of Volgograd are defined by its positioning as of a “nucleus” of “Big Volgograd” agglomeration: together with neighboring settlements and towns (Volzhsky and Krasnoslobodsk) the population totals to 1,5 million people on the territory of 8000 sq.km
Successfully competing with other south-russian centres, Volgograd is becoming an important interregional centre of social-economic development for residents and for investing big business.
Within the framework of “Big Volgograd” system it is expected:
– further development of transportation and engineering infrastructure (at present the length of the paved roads totals to 1263 km);
– construction of waste treatment plants and industrial waste grounds;
– development of modern communication networks;
– development and improvement of recreation and tourist areas, organization of appropriate infrastructure;
– creation of multifunctional service and business complexes on the territory of the city and on the main roads (M-6, M-21, IP-228) outside of the city borders;
– organization of ecologically clean agricultural production and processing.
The resource and economic potential of Volgograd agglomeration has all premises for further intensive development and provides broad opportunities to potential investors for implementation of various projects.


Although the city may have originated in 1555, documented evidence of Tsaritsyn located at the confluence of the Tsaritsa and Volga Rivers dates only from 1589. The fortress Sary Su (a local Tatar language name meaning: yellow water/river), was established to defend the unstable southern border of the country. It was located slightly above the mouth of the Tsaritsa River on the right bank. It soon became the nucleus of a trading settlement.

In 1607 the fortress garrison rebelled against the tsar’s troops for six months. In 1608 the city had its first stone church, St. John the Baptist. At the beginning of the 17th century, the garrison consisted of 350-400 people.

In 1670 troops of Stepan Razin captured the fortress; they left after a month. In 1708 the insurgent Cossack Kondraty Bulavin held the fortress. In 1717, Bulavin (who died in July 1708) was sacked[clarification needed] by the Crimean Tatars and Kuban. Later, in 1774, Yemelyan Pugachev unsuccessfully attempted to storm the city.


In 1691, Tsaritsyn established customs. In 1708, Tsaritsyn was assigned to Kazan Governorate; in 1719, to Astrakhan Governorate; According to the census in 1720, the city’s population was 408 people. In 1773, the city became the provincial and district town. From 1779, it belonged to Saratov Viceroyalty. In 1780, the city was under Saratov Governorate.


In the 19th century, Tsaritsyn became an important river port and commercial center. The population expanded rapidly during the 19th century, increasing from fewer than 3,000 people in 1807 to about 84,000 in 1900. The first railroad was constructed to the town in 1862. The first theatre opened in 1872, the first cinema in 1907. In 1913, Tsaritsin’s first tram-line was built, and the city’s first electric lights were installed in the city center.

During the Russian Civil War, Tsaritsyn came under Soviet control from November 1917. In 1918, Tsaritsyn was besieged by White troops under Ataman Krasnov. Three assaults by White troops were repulsed. However, in June 1919 Tsaritsyn was captured by the White forces of General Denikin, which left the city in January 1920. This was known as the Battle for Tsaritsyn.


Volgograd’s Museums :

Volgograd Regional Children’s Art Gallery
400131, Volgograd , str. Sovetskaya 26
Volgograd Regional Children’s Art Gallery was founded in 1990 and became the first Russian children’s art museum . To date, the fund has more than 22 galleries of thousands of paintings and graphic works from 36 countries , such as Japan , USA, Netherlands , Belgium. Luxembourg, Bangladesh, India, Kenya , Czech Republic , Poland, Canada , Sri Lanka , Indonesia , Ghana , Finland and many others.
Successful replenishment of the collection contributes to holding various competitions of children’s creativity. Exhibition of children’s drawings from the collection of the gallery were in France, Belgium , Denmark, Finland , England, Germany , the Czech Republic , Poland , Macedonia, the USA, Japan , India and China.
The archives are stored galleries letter from U.S. President George W. Bush and the royal family of Denmark.
Gallery information published in the International Directory
“Children’s Museums of the World “, published in Japan.
Many graduates have won the gallery of many prestigious international competitions in different countries. Gallery was awarded a diploma “UNESCO”
Gallery implemented International project ” Merging 3 rivers” in which colleagues from the U.S. , Russia and Ghana had the opportunity to creatively communicate, share diverse experiences to create paintings and identify prospects for cooperation.

Historical memorial complex Mamaev Kurgan
400005 , Volgograd, ul. Marshal Chuikov 47
Mamaev Kurgan – the hill on the right bank of the Volga River in the central region of Volgograd , where the Battle of Stalingrad during fierce fighting took place ( September 1942 – January 1943 ), duration of 200 days. Control the ” height of 102.0 “, as designated on the Mamaev Kurgan military maps , repeatedly passed from Soviet troops to German and vice versa , as he held a dominant position over the central part of Stalingrad and the Volga .
Under the leadership of sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich on Mamaev Hill monument – ensemble ” Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle” (1959-1967) , which includes several tracks: introductory composition – high relief ” Memory generations” Lombardy poplar alley area were death , wall – ruins, Heroes’ Square , monumental relief , Hall of Military Glory , Space Tribulation main monument ” The Motherland Calls ! ” military memorial Cemetery , memorial arboretum at the foot of Mamaev Kurgan . From the foot of the mound to its top there are 200 – the number of days of the Battle of Stalingrad – the granite steps of height 15 cm , width of 35 m walls – ruins in height from 17 meters to 5 depict the real, documented battle scenes , they are written oath warriors defenders of Stalingrad with which the soldiers went into battle . Climbing the stairs past the ruins of the wall passes under the audio soundtrack : audio track lasts 17 minutes and includes reports from the front himself , who read out the main speaker of the Soviet Union Yuri Levitan , the noise of battle and war songs . In the center of Heroes’ Square is a giant pool, which symbolizes the Volga River . Left of the pool is a wall – banner, on which are inscribed the words of the writer Vasily Grossman ‘s novel “Life and Fate “: ” Iron wind hit them in the face , and they went ahead again and feeling superstitious fear of the enemy covered : whether people were going to attack ? Whether they are mortal ? “. Right from the pool – six sculptures, each of which demonstrates moments of battle . The most important element in the Hall of Military Glory – a five-meter arm of the deceased soldier , clutching the torch. And day and night in a torch lit an eternal flame , and at the hands of the same day and night stands guard of honor. On the walls of the Hall of mosaic tiled 34 mourning banner , which lists the names and surnames of 7200 soldiers who died in defense of Stalingrad. Under the ceiling passes George Ribbon . Tribulation area – the most dramatic place in the memorial complex . On it you can see the sculpture of a grieving mother who is holding his dead son . This monument embodies the grief of all mothers and wives who did not see the battlefield with their men. Far away from the sculpture is a small pool ” Lake of Tears “, symbolizing the mountain the whole country , lost in World War II more than 20 million people. On the area of ​​the Tribulation is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the tomb of Marshal Vasily Chuikov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union , who commanded the legendary 62nd Army , who fought at Stalingrad. Chuikov died in 1982 , after which he was buried on Mamaev Hill .
From the square, the Tribulation begins the ascent to the top of the mound to the bottom of the main monument – ” The Motherland Calls ! “. Along the serpentine in hill reburied 34,505 soldiers – the defenders of Stalingrad , and 35 granite tombstones Heroes of the Soviet Union , members of the Stalingrad Battle . Sculpture ” The Motherland Calls ! ” Is a compositional center of the entire ensemble . This is – a woman holding a sword in his hand , which stands in a pose of Call to Action . 85 m height of the statue with a sword and a 52 m without a sword . “Motherland ” is made of concrete blocks – 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of metal structures (without the base on which it stands ) . Sword length of 33 meters and a weight of 14 tons of steel made ​​from fluoridated .
In 2005, on top of Mamaev Kurgan white stone was erected five-domed Church of All Saints . Historical memorial complex ” Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle” on Mamaev Hill is part of the cultural institutions of the State , ” Historical and Memorial Museum” Battle of Stalingrad ” .” Monument ensemble ” Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle” January 31, 2008 was included in the list of federal monuments and since then is federal property . In the same year the contest ” 7 Wonders of Russia” Mamaev Kurgan was among the seven wonders of the Russian .

Memorial and Historical Museum
400131 , Volgograd region, Volgograd, . Gogol , 10
+7 ( 8442) 33-15-03
Memorial and Historical Museum is the only museum of the Southern Federal District , dedicated to the events of the Civil War. Here , in a building built in 1896 , located in the center of Volgograd , is a unique exhibition where you can see the documents and things that dramatic era. The building itself is unique – until 1917 it belonged to one of the famous families Tsaritsyn – Repnikova merchants in the first half of 1918 there was the headquarters of the Defense Council and gubvoenkomat Tsaritsyn . During the Battle of Stalingrad building was partially destroyed , but in the first years after the war had been restored .
The museum was opened in January 1937 . Visitors can see a unique collection of weapons and firearms Russian and foreign production period of the 1st World and the Civil War , personal arms , awards, personal belongings organizers and participants of the defense of Tsaritsyn : IV Stalin , KE Voroshilov , SM Budennogo, SK Tymoshenko and others. Here are the documents and photographs of the White movement in the south of Russia , authentic periodicals Russian emigration. The museum contains a real relic of Don Cossacks – Memorable standard 4th Don Cossack Regiment Count Platov , with which the Cossacks fought on the fronts of the 1st World War.
The museum works exhibition hall area of ​​30 square meters. meters with changeable , diverse topics exhibitions. The total exhibition area of 300 square meters. meters. Memorial and Historical Museum offers: sightseeing , theater , walking tours , museum subscription program for students of different ages, museum programs for different categories of visitors.
Memorial and Historical Museum : Troll . Number number 2, 8 , 16, author. Number number 2 , 33, 12 , 88 to the stop . “Railway station” , light rail tram to the stop . ” Komsomolskaya ” .

Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts named after I. Mashkov
Volgograd, etc. to them . VI , 21
Museum open June 22, 1963 At this point, by order of the Ministry of Culture here were handed over 2,000 artifacts from the country’s largest collections of the State Hermitage Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery and other museums. Among the first exhibits were drawings Fyodor Vasilyev, Alexander Benois, INKramskoy paintings A.P.Antropova, KP Brullov AP Bogolyubov, Korovin, Ivan Aivazovsky. In 1980 the museum was transferred by will-Zaitseva N.A.Arning collection, which included works F.A.Malyavina, Nicholas Roerich, Valentin Serov, Ivan Shishkin.

Museum ” Battle of Stalingrad”
400005 , Volgograd, ul. Marshal Chuikov 47
The most valuable ( unique ) collections :
Fund documents and personal items warlords : GK Zhukov , AM Vasilevsky , KK Rokossovskogo etc.
Collection of photographs and negatives taken during the Battle of Stalingrad
Collection of Soviet and German wartime letters and diaries of 1942-1943 .
Soviet small arms collection
Collection and firearms domestic and foreign weapons since XIX- n . Twentieth centuries.
A collection of drawings and sketches of front made ​​in Stalingrad 1942-1945 gg.
Collection of Soviet and foreign awards
Collection Etudes military artists studio them . Grekova
Personal complexes participants of the Civil War in the south of Russia : AE Snesariev , KE Voroshilov , SM Budennogo generals LG Kornilov , PN Krasnov , AN Denikin, PN Wrangel
Documentary Fund History of the Civil War in the South of Russia in 1917-1920 .
Gift Collection from 65 countries

Volgograd Regional Museum
+7 ( 8442) 38-84-46
The museum was founded November 2, 1914 Society ethnographers area.
During the Great Patriotic War Museum’s collection is almost completely dead and began systematically to be completed in 50 – 60s . XX century. Currently, the museum has archaeological, palaeontological , ethnographic collections . It is visited by 135,000 people a year. Today is stored here 143 000 exhibits.
The main museum :
“The nature of the Volgograd region .” The exhibition tells about the geographical location of the region, its geological history and mineral wealth and diversity of flora and fauna . The basis of the exhibition are the main characteristics of landscapes kraya_ steppe , semidesert and interzonal . The hall used audiovisual means to recreate the sounds of nature , reflect the daily and seasonal changes in nature.
“Archaeology of the edge .” The exhibition opens with the oldest monument of the Stone Age , which is located in a ravine Dry Mechetka , whose age is more than 100 thousand years. Here are the ostrokonechniki , choppers , scrapers of various shapes , the bones of mammoths, bison. The exhibition presents a variety of ornamental clay vessels kuritelnitsy , implements of bronze and stone amulets and ornaments of ancient burial mounds – the same age of the Egyptian pyramids .

Historical and ethnographic and architectural museum-reserve “Old Sarepta”
400026 , Volgograd, . Izobilna 10, +7 (8442) 67-02-80
The only place in the world where live peacefully Church with awesome sounding body and a mansion with restless ghosts, who come here for the sake of the federal TV channels , the interiors of the ancient German chemists with heaps of weapons of death of several generations of invaders and defenders of their land. Land, which for centuries has become a model of tolerance and harmony of ancient and innovations. Here you are invited to a concert of local organist , offered to take in hands dug up immediately revolvers and rifles recent wars , to descend into the stone wine cellars to taste Sarpinsky not only wine , but also to stand at the well, in which the lid – kilometers unknown to this day old basements …
In 1765, on the right bank of the Volga was founded missionary settlement religious brotherhood Herrnhuters Sarepta , which for 127 years has spread the gospel among the Kalmyks , actively developed culturally , industrially and commercially in the late 18th century . was a unique phenomenon in the Lower Volga . It acted first in southern Russia plumbing , heating system used Dutch , was based on mineral water resort ” Catherine’s water.” In Sarepta mustard and operated brick and tile factories, blacksmith shop, carpenter , weaving , stocking hat and workshops, mills, bakeries , a brewery , distillery , balms beverage factory , weaving ” zembeley ” and many other industries that have turned into a highly Zarephath, commercial and industrial oasis in the Volga steppes.
Museum ” Old Sarepta ” was created in 1989 on the basis of historical and architectural complex colonies . Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it was included in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal importance.
Today Museum – a major cultural , tourism, research and methodological center of Volgograd. It covers an area of 7.1 hectares , includes 27 buildings , of which 23 – federal monuments XVIII – XX centuries. With high scientific potential and qualified staff , the museum preserves , studies and promotes the material and spiritual heritage of the peoples of the Lower Volga region. The complex is unique not only for Russia but also for Europe. In a world of almost no such architectural complexes . ” Church Square ” 18 . , Located in the area of ​​residential buildings in 20 . , Museum exhibits , which are located in old houses sareptskoj pharmacies, trade shops , homes and siblings , introduce visitors to the household and cultural traditions , the development of industry and trade of Zarephath .
Museum offers visitors a tour of the museum grounds ” Church Square 18 . ” And permanent exhibitions : ” The settlement and fortress of the 18th century . “, ” Industry Zarephath 18-19 centuries . “, “House sareptskoj pharmacist 19-20 centuries. ” ” Sarepta Cave 19. ” ” Manor South Russian peasant 19-20 centuries. “,” In the Trenches of Stalingrad : Frontal life . ”
Museum publishes only in the Southern Federal District, the newspaper of interethnic communication ” News Zarephath ” conducts ethnic cultural festivals , national holidays , concert and play programs , contests of national costumes , cuisine , rituals , folk art and crafts. On the basis of the museum has seven cultural centers ( Russian , Ukrainian , Belarusian, German, Kalmyk , Tatar, Cossack ) and historical reconstruction club and role modeling ” Sura “. Within centers Sunday schools , folklore groups , clubs and social clubs .
The museum “Old Sarepta” German library works . Original book collection , library and video library , library facilities and equipment donated Urban Development Ministry of Culture and Sports of North Rhine – Westphalia. Today the library has over 15,000 books in German , Russian and English languages, on many branches of knowledge. In a rare collection of the library – old encyclopedia , published in 1897 in Gothic script , keep the beautiful illustrations .

Volgograd is the administrative center of the oblast. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as the city of oblast significance of Volgograd—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, the city of oblast significance of Volgograd is incorporated as Volgograd Urban Okrug.


Modern Volgograd remains an important industrial city. Industries include shipbuilding, oil refining, steel and aluminum production, manufacture of machinery and vehicles, and chemical production. A large Volgograd Hydroelectric Plant is located a short distance to the north of Volgograd.




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