GLONASS, acronym for “Globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema” or “Global Navigation Satellite System”, is a space-based satellite navigation system operated by the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces. It provides an alternative to Global Positioning System (GPS) and is the only alternative navigational system in operation with global coverage and of comparable precision.
Development of GLONASS began in the Soviet Union in 1976. Beginning on 12 October 1982, numerous rocket launches added satellites to the system until the constellation was completed in 1995. During the 2000s, under Vladimir Putin’s presidency, the restoration of the system was made a top government priority and funding was substantially increased. GLONASS is the most expensive program of the Russian Federal Space Agency, consuming a third of its budget in 2010.
By 2010, GLONASS had achieved 100% coverage of Russia’s territory and in October 2011, the full orbital constellation of 24 satellites was restored, enabling full global coverage. The GLONASS satellites’ designs have undergone several upgrades, with the latest version being GLONASS-K.
– Which of the systems can more accurately determine the location of the consumer?
– All systems have about the same accuracy, even in relation to different services is quite a big difference. From the point of view of a fisherman or hunter 2.8 meters in GLONASS and GPS at 1-1.5 meters do not matter, but from the point of view of the cadastral work is very important, because the border demarcation to be as accurate as possible. In terms of aviation maintenance, hazardous goods, positioning vehicles on the roads for laying road path border situation: lack of precision somewhere, sometime not.
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of the GLONASS system in comparison with the U.S. GPS, European Galileo and Chinese Compass?
– Each system has its advantages and disadvantages. GPS – a system wherein each spacecraft has a code, all codes – one frequency. Accordingly, this system is less noise immunity than GLONASS, where each unit is assigned its own frequency literature. On the other hand, the frequency implementation of the device for ground, our more difficult, and therefore are more complex receivers, although stacked in standard freight or portable design. Chinese Compass system is first created as a regional and is only now beginning to expand into a global one. Similarly happens with the European Galileo: the regional system was originally based on the American GPS, and then create a global system based on sredneoorbitalnyh satellites.
In the 2000s, under Vladimir Putin’s presidency, the Russian economy recovered and state finances improved considerably. Putin himself took special interest in GLONASS and the system’s restoration was made one of the government’s top priorities. For this purpose, on August 2001, the Federal Targeted Program “Global Navigation System” 2002–2011 (Government Decision No. 587) was launched. The program was given a budget of $420 million and aimed at restoring the full constellation by 2009.
On 10 December 2003, the second generation satellite design, GLONASS-M, was launched for the first time. It had a slightly larger mass than the baseline GLONASS, standing at 1,415 kg, but it had double the original’s lifetime, decreasing the required replacement rate by 50%. The new satellite also had better accuracy and ability to broadcast two extra civilian signals.
– What determines the accuracy of the satellite navigation system ?
The launch of “Soyuz – 2.1b ” with the spacecraft ” Glonass -M” carrier rocket from the Plesetsk . © RIA Novosti, Andrei Morgounov – First, the number of satellites , the signal of which is available at the same time ground-based receiver. The more, the better the so-called geometrical factor : the device selects the best in terms of the geometry of the relative position of the spacecraft in the constellation . Secondly, the onboard equipment , mainly, on -board clock accuracy . Third, how developed ground control : the more there is a bookmark revised amendments to the satellite , the more accurately it reports its location. Moreover, there are so called differential correction system when no longer from the navigation satellites and from the communications satellites or mobile communication system, the instruments are passed correction. In general, airborne solutions and solutions of construction orbital groups of approximately the same in different systems and methods of increasing the accuracy of roughly the same , however some fundamental difference in accuracy is not. But another important factor – the availability . What good accuracy, if you are in a narrow gorge can not solve the problem of navigation in general? That is the number of devices allows access around the globe about 100%. Very good help in this is the use of the two systems at the same time , for example , GPS and GLONASS , and then added to them and Galileo. All of this works to improve the space segment.
In 2006, Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov ordered one of the signals (with an accuracy of 30 m) to be made available to civilian users. Putin, however, was not satisfied with this, and demanded that the whole system should be made fully available to everyone. Consequently, on 18 May 2007, all restrictions were lifted. The accurate, formerly military-only signal with a precision of 10 m, has since then been freely available to civilian users.
During the middle of the first decade of 21st century, the Russian economy boomed, resulting in substantial increases in the country’s space budget. In 2007, the financing of the GLONASS program was increased considerably; its budget was more than doubled. While in 2006 the GLONASS had received $181 million from the federal budget, in 2007 the amount was increased to $380 million.
In the end, 140.1 billion rubles ($4.7 billion) were spent on the program 2001–2011, making it Roscosmos’ largest project and consuming a third of its 2010 budget of 84.5 billion rubles
What other problems , besides navigation , GLONASS can solve ?
Very good tool is the use of two simultaneous signals – GPS and GLONASS . © RIA Novosti, Ruslan Krivobok – Since the system is global when at any moment the subscriber sees up to a dozen satellites in the sky hemisphere , it is possible to provide other services that require global availability . For example, the rescue in case of accidents “ERA – GLONASS” ( emergency response to the accident ) , and the system is in distress rescue COSPAS -SARSAT. Before the advent of the global systems of GLONASS receivers are put on low-orbiting satellites , spacecraft, but these systems are flying over the area every few hours. GLONASS same , GPS or Galileo future are global groups, and allow you to immediately receive a signal person. In addition , there is the possibility of cadastral works through a system of differential corrections , information on the state of dangerous objects. Therefore, the global system always involves its versatility from a position of service .
– In what direction will improve the space segment of GLONASS ?
– If we are talking about the spacecraft, they are more long-lived . I recall that the first generation of satellites “Glonass” have guaranteed lifetime is 3 years. In fact, they worked an average of 4.3 years , which is almost one and a half times higher than the safe life . “Glonass -M ” – a seven-year , “Glonass -K ” – this is ten units . The satellites appear more sophisticated apparatus – more frequencies higher stability board clock , improving and a number of other characteristics.
Although the GLONASS constellation has reached global coverage, its commercialisation, especially development of the user segment, has been lacking compared to the American GPS system. For example, the first commercial Russian-made GLONASS navigation device for cars, Glospace SGK-70, was introduced in 2007, but it was much bigger and more costly than similar GPS receivers. In late 2010, there were only a handful of GLONASS receivers on the market, and few of them were meant for ordinary consumers. To improve the situation, the Russian government has been actively promoting GLONASS for civilian use.
To improve development of the user segment, on August 11, 2010, Sergei Ivanov announced a plan to introduce a 25% import duty on all GPS-capable devices, including mobile phones, unless they are compatible with GLONASS. As well, the government is planning to force all car manufacturers in Russia to make cars with GLONASS starting from 2011. This will affect all car makers, including foreign brands like Ford and Toyota, which have car assembly facilities in Russia.
The iPhone 4S was the first Apple product using both GPS and GLONASS navigation.
Qualcomm has confirmed that the Russian satellite navigation system GLONASS support all mobile devices and platforms Snapdragon S2 Snapdragon S3. Chipsets these families are dual-system, meaning they can work with GPS and GLONASS, said in a statement on its Web site. However, the final decision on whether to include the device support of the Russian system of producers. Reported that the satellites of the GLONASS based device Snapdragon address in the case where the GPS signal is not strong enough. This scheme allows you to save battery power and increase the positioning accuracy of up to two meters. Chipsets from the series S2 and S3 are made on 45-nanometer process and are used in smartphones and tablets BlackBerry, HP, HTC, Nokia, Samsung, Sharp, Sony Ericsson and other companies. Qualcomm also noted that GLONASS will support 28-nanometer chip sets S4, which will be released in 2012. Work with GLONASS can also some communication chipsets Qualcomm – in particular, MDM6610, which is used in the smartphone iPhone 4S. The number of staff is 30 GPS constellation, and GLONASS – 24 satellite.