World wary still. Russia has created a new bottom ballistic missile “Skiff”. It will be on duty, hiding somewhere in the standby mode at the bottom of the sea, the ocean, ready for the team to hit any terrestrial or marine goal. The tests new missile will begin this summer on the White Sea.
In the White Sea to the end of June, the factory will begin testing the latest ballistic missile “Skif”, able to be on standby on the sea and ocean floor and at the right time for a team shoot and hit the ground, and maritime facilities.
How to tell the “News” in the military, missile jointly developed by the Central Design Bureau “Rubin” (St. Petersburg) and the State Rocket Center named after Academician Makeev (Miass) commissioned by the Ministry of Defense.
The official reason for the establishment of the missile are not called. The site editor MilitaryRussia Dmitry Kornev said that laying of such missiles in several areas of the bottom will allow the right moment to hit the enemy’s strategic goals without involving submarines.
– Strategic submarines vulnerable to enemy anti-submarine systems. Enough to detect a boat – and at the right moment can easily disrupt launch. A rocket “Skif” the enemy is almost invisible – said “Izvestiya” roots.
At the same time, Rear Admiral retired Vladimir Zakharov said that if the enemy zasechet boat that sets “Scythians” on the bottom, they can easily be defused.
– If in our boat carrier will link the enemy, neither of which has a hidden setting of speech can not be. If you install a missile at an open area of ​​the bottom, modern hydroacoustics it easy to find, so a lot will depend on the actions of the captain of the submarine carrier – said Zakharov.
Tests of the first rocket is scheduled for late May – mid-June in the White Sea. Lower the bottom of the rocket to be powered submarine “Sarov”, specially altered for testing “Skiff”. In the fore part of the “Sarov” torpedo tube mounted large diameter (about 1 m), and special ballast tanks, which should compensate for the weight dropped missiles and help maintain the stability of the boat.
– In the course of future tests we will check not only the rocket, but its system of transhipments at sea from the ship to the boat. If all goes well, after the factory test “Skif” already give to government that will take a rocket to the Navy of Russia, – said the “Izvestia”.
In the State Rocket Center Makeyev in Miass “News” have confirmed that are working on the product with the index “Skif”, but did not disclose the details of the project. In CDB “Ruby” in a timely manner to comment on plans for further work on the rocket “Skif” refused, citing a state secret.
Finally, production of missiles “Skif” on arms may complicate the political relations between Russia and other countries, primarily the United States. Moscow and Washington signed in 2010 and entered into force in 2011, an agreement on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (START-3) does not provide for the creation and deployment of nuclear delivery vehicles based bottom. This means that when making rockets into service Moscow will have to negotiate with Washington on introducing amendments to the current document. Americans are likely to agree to such amendments, or in exchange for, will insist on a softening of the Russian position on the issue of European missile defense.
Development of bottom-missile system “Skif” Russian Defense Ministry has not officially confirmed. The fact that such complexes are included in the state program of armaments to Russia in 2020, has not been reported, though, say it is officially known, the program includes the development of a new long-range ballistic missiles, which would replace the outdated R-36M2 “Governor”. Any definite conclusions about the “Skif” to do too early.