The Project 941 or Akula, (“Shark”) class submarine (NATO reporting name: Typhoon) is a type of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine deployed by the Soviet Navy in the 1980s. With a submerged displacement of 48,000 tons, the Typhoons are the largest class of submarine ever built, large enough to accommodate decent living facilities for the crew when submerged for months on end. The source of the NATO reporting name remains unclear, although it is often claimed to be related to the use of the word “typhoon” by Leonid Brezhnev in a 1974 speech while describing a new type of nuclear ballistic missile submarine. Soviet doctrine for these vessels was to patrol under the Arctic ice cap and surface to launch SLBMs, avoiding the need to transit the GIUK gap and remaining safe from the enemy attack submarines and anti-submarine forces. Technically, Typhoons were also able to deploy their long-range nuclear missiles while moored at their docks. The Russian Navy canceled its Typhoon modernization program in March 2012, stating that modernizing one Typhoon would be as expensive as building two new Borei-class submarines. With the announcement that Russia has eliminated the last SS-N-20 Sturgeon SLBMs in September 2012, the remaining Typhoons have reached the end of service.
The main weapon – missile system D-19 with 20 three-stage solid-fuel ballistic missiles R-39, “Option”. These missiles have a maximum launch weight (along with a launch canister – 90 mons) and long (17.1 m) of SLBMs taken into service. Combat range missiles – 8300 km, warhead – divide 10 warheads with individual guidance by 100 kilotons of TNT each. Because of the large dimensions of the P-39 project boats “Shark” were the only carriers of these missiles. The design of missile system D-19 were tested in a specially converted for the project 619 diesel submarine K-153, but it could accommodate only one mine for the P-39 and limited family starts throwing models . Start of ammunition missiles “Sharks” can be initiated in one gulp at short intervals between the start of individual missiles. Running as possible of the above-water and underwater from the provisions at depths up to 55 m and with no restrictions on the weather conditions. Because of depreciation missile launch system APCC rocket launch is out of the mine with the help of a dry powder pressure accumulator, which reduces the interval between starts and the level of -launch noise. One of the features of the complex – with APCC missiles are suspended at the mouth of the mine. In the design of ammunition provided for the deployment of 24 missiles, but by the decision of the Navy chief Admiral SG Gorshkov, their number was reduced to 20.
In 1986 he was accepted by the Government on the development of an improved version of the rocket – P-39UTTH “Bark”. The new versions planned to increase the firing range of up to 10,000 km and the implementation of a system passing through the ice. Rearmament missile planned to spend up to 2003 – the period of the warranty of the resource produced by the R-39 missiles. In 1998, after the third unsuccessful launch Ministry of Defence has decided to discontinue work on the ready 73% complex. Develop other solid fuel SLBM “Mace” instructed the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology, the developer of a “land” ICBM “Topol-M”. (See below)
In addition to strategic weapons on the boat has 6 torpedo tubes 533 mm intended for firing torpedoes and rocket-torpedoes, as well as of mine fields.
Air defense is provided by eight sets of MANPADS “Igla-1”.
Missile project “Shark” are equipped with the following electronic equipment:
combat information and control system “Omnibus”;
analog sonar system “Skat-KS” (for TK-208 in the average repair to Digital “Skat-3”);
sonar mine-detector MG-519 “Harp”;
eholedomer MG-518 “North”;
radar system MRKP-58 “Buran”;
navigation system “Symphony”;
complex radio “Lightning-L1” with a satellite communication system “Tsunami”;
TV complex MTC-100;
two pop-up antenna buoy type, allowing to take radio messages, target designation, and satellite navigation signals in deep water up to 150 meters and under the ice.
Reflecting on the fate of the strategic missile, it is worth considering one important point – the U.S. spends annually on arms and military modernization of the order of 400 billion dollars annually! Russia is – ten times less and there is still a great need to take it into account, compared with the United States, the territory.
The “cold war” in the past equalized the balance of power in the world and the largest nuclear submarine “Akula” was not the most expensive of its project. Chaos, emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has broken many promising plans for modernization, change of heads, goals and objectives.
Typhoon submarines are among the quietest Russian sea vessels in operation, being quieter and yet more maneuverable than their predecessors. Besides their missile armament, the Typhoon class features six torpedo tubes; four are designed to handle RPK-2 (SS-N-15) missiles or Type 53 torpedoes, and the other two are designed to launch RPK-7 (SS-N-16) missiles, Type 65 torpedoes, or mines. A Typhoon-class submarine can stay submerged for periods up to 120 days in normal conditions, and potentially more if deemed necessary (e.g., in the case of a nuclear war). Their primary weapons system is composed of 20 R-39 (NATO: SS-N-20) ballistic missiles (SLBM) with a maximum of 10 MIRV nuclear warheads each.
Typhoon-class submarines feature multiple pressure hulls that simplify internal design while making the vessel much wider than a normal submarine. In the main body of the sub, two Delta class pressure hulls lie parallel with a third, smaller pressure hull above them (which protrudes just below the sail), and two other pressure hulls for torpedoes and steering gear. This also greatly increases their survivability – even if one pressure hull is breached, the crew members in the other are safe and there is less potential for flooding.
Heavy strategic missile submarine of Project 941 “Akula» (SSBN «Typhoon» by NATO classification) – the world’s biggest nuclear submarines. The project is designed to TSKBMT “Ruby” (St. Petersburg). The task for the development was granted in December 1972. The ship 2 solid body arranged in parallel and a few strong modules linked by a single external korpusom.On has 20 solid-BR located between the pressure hull. In the strong modules outside of the PC to be torpedoes in the bow and also the CPU and hardware REV.Blagodarya this arrangement, this ship was the largest of all domestic and imported nuclear submarine underwater and surface displacement and the width of the body. Overwater: 23,200 tons, scuba: 48000t. Length: 172 m Width: 23.3 m, Draught: 11 meters Crew 160 people.The currently issued of 6 ships in service only 3 and those which are in a tricky reserve. They are laid and they have MS Gorbachev in agreement with the Americans to wrest control equipment BL. Everything else is in place, but without these cabinets are very peaceful :-))) It was possible to go on one of these subs and make fotografii.Delalis inferior cameras, so do not kick much legs. It was in 2004.