
Bangladesh, officially the People’s Republic of Bangladesh , is a country in South Asia. It is located at the apex of the Bay of Bengal, bordered by India and Burma to its north, west and east and separated from Nepal, Bhutan and China by India’s narrow Siliguri corridor. Bangladesh forms part of the ancient and historic ethno-linguistic region of Bengal, and the name Bangladesh means “Country of Bengal” in the official Bengali language. It is the world’s eighth-most populous land as well as one of the world’s most densely populated countries. Bangladesh also has the fourth-largest population in the Muslim world.


In Asia, on the border with India and Burma, washed by the Bay of Bengal to the south located state of Bangladesh. It – Eastern country in every sense and respect. The most common is the religion – Islam. As a result, the streets of the capital you will find women with covered faces and systematic cries of “Allah Akbar!” Will point you to the exact time. Arriving in another area, such as Putiyu, you find yourself in an atmosphere of Buddhism. Here at the top of the hill you will definitely see if descended from the heavens white pagoda. In general, the area bordering Burma, are more Buddhist than Muslim. They are many Buddhist monasteries, whose inhabitants are hospitable enough to want to visit them. You will be taken to the Monastery, will talk about his stories, just to answer your questions.


The main attraction of the capital – is located in the Old City of unfinished Lalbagh Fort, dating from the year 1678. It is near and many mosques, including the famous Hussain Dalan. Bangladesh National Museum, located to the north of the Old City, has a fine collection of art and archeology. In addition, most Dhaka more than 700 mosques, the tomb of Pari Bibi, Parliament House, erected in 1982, and in the old part of the city – the traditional large bazaars. Dhaka – the capital of the world rickshaws, but officially there are more than 300,000 brightly painted rickshaws, without which it can not do any one event. When servicing the tourists travel by rickshaw as “mandatory”, as well as the use of red double-decker bus in London. Chittagong (264 km. Southeast of Dhaka) – the second largest city in Bangladesh. It is located on the north bank of the river Karnapuli and has an interesting old Sadarghat area along the coastline, which clearly shows the importance of river trade to the city life. Nearby is the old Portuguese enclave Paterghatta, one of the few areas in the country, which has kept Christianity. Mosques Shahi Jama-e-Masjid and Qadam Mubarak – the most impressive and beautiful buildings in the city. Also worth visiting the Ethnological Museum in the Modern City, which has interesting displays telling about the tribes and peoples of Bangladesh. Beautiful view of the city, to the same, which is important in conditions of constant local heat, constantly blown and cooled by sea breezes, open from Fairy Hill (“Fairy Hills”) in the so-called “British Town” in the north-western sector of the city.

Bengali cuisine – a terrific combination of spices and sauces. The fact that the UK give out for Indian food, is actually a Bengali.
More than 98% of Bangladeshis speak Bengali as their mother tongue as it is the official language. It is an Indo-Aryan language of Sanskrit origin with its own script. English is used as a second language among the middle and upper classes. English is also widely used in higher education and the legal system.
Delicious fish dishes with different sauces, rice, poultry, meat, vegetables and seafood. Also, this cuisine is famous for a variety of sweets that are made ​​from milk and dairy products.

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