Lake Seydozero is located on the Kola Peninsula, in Murmansk Oblast within the Lake Lovozero and ensures runoff from the Seydyavryok River.
Sacred stones – the mysterious stone structures found in Scandinavia and Russia. In our country they are located on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia (seids Karelia – the largest in Northern Europe).
A plain reading of seidh – is a major boulder placed on a number of smaller stones or in an unstable position. Seids often grouped in clusters of tens or hundreds of objects. However, there are also individually. Large complexes on the territory of Russia are on the top of a small rocky islands mountains Russian and German Body, mountains and Kivakka Vottovaara.
For its size seids referred to megaliths (from Greek. «Megas» – a large, «litos» – stone) – prehistoric structures made of large stone blocks. Karelia and the Kola Peninsula is one of the most rewarding “megalithic” regions of Russia.
Sacred stones are sacred objects of worship Aboriginal Karelia – Sami (Lapps). Believing that these stones are living spirits, they brought them to the sacrifice of animals, fish, things to get support in fishing and in other fields.
When looking at these complex multi-ton stones seids unwittingly have thoughts:
1. Who and how to set these the heavy stones?
2. Could it be done ancient Sami, according to historical documents being poor small nations do not have the technical knowledge?
3. What is the age of these buildings?
Mysteries of Lapland seids far from being resolved. Time will tell whether expressed here are correct assumptions and hypotheses, and whether they are true at all!
The ancient cult stones, traditionally ascribed to the Sami, affect not only the number and size, but also many other features.
The main canon Seyda is its instability! For example, it may be a small stone pyramids are located separately or on top of enormous boulders.
As is known, the region was the site of the spread seids search of traces of a hypothetical ancient civilization of Hyperborea. Logically there is an idea of a possible combination of Hyperborea and culture seids. However, in this matter so little facts and so many gaps in the mythological and chronological parts that all conclusions are hypothetical. Most likely seids culture and Hyperborea – is a completely different historical and cultural traditions that existed at different times in the same region.