Russian meteor blast injures at least 1,000 people.

February 15, 2013. Morning residents of several areas – in particular, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk – seen in the sky an object. His appearance was accompanied by a bright flash, smoke trail in the sky and thunder.
Harsh Chelyabinsk’s mens and beautiful women embraced the event with restraint and dignity. Though frightened. ๐Ÿ™‚ And you’re not? ๐Ÿ™‚
A meteor streaked through the skies above Russia’s Urals region Friday morning, before exploding with a flash and boom that shattered glass in buildings and left about 1,000 people hurt, state media said.

In Chelyabinsk, citizens were advised not to leave their homes and pick up children from school. Residents of the city are alarmed happening. The city formed an emergency headquarters aftermath of the incident.

It is worth noting that in the evening to the ground waiting for the approach of a much larger celestial body, however, the allegations of astronomers, the explosion in the sky over the Urals has nothing to do with it.

As reported in Kourovka astronomical observatory, “nothing bad will happen. This is a normal car (meteor brightness of at least 4m (brighter than the planet Venus), or having a noticeable angular dimensions. – Ed.), Who wanders in space, sometimes comes into the air and explodes. This happens very rarely. ” According to experts, the Earth is not falling car, it burns in the upper atmosphere.
10.55 Eyewitnesses reported that the “Park City Hotel” part of the roof collapsed porch went cracks in the square, with shops “Mango” and the New Yorker all the glass smashed shop windows and fell.
10.30 the sky over the Urals there was a powerful explosion. Most of all he felt the residents of Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region where the blast smashed windows, damaged buildings and structures, was gone mobile. Before the explosion, people saw in the sky a burning car and a bright flash. Many witnesses took photos and videos.
Parents are in a hurry go to kindergartens and schools to pick up their children. According to witnesses, many children in the yards and gardens of schools. Perhaps they were taken out employees of educational institutions.

The city observed a large number of ambulance vehicles, especially ambulances: apparently many had a heart attack. Roads – huge traffic jams.

The people on the streets brings different versions of emergency, but prevails over all the assumptions military version: people believe that the explosion is linked with the aircraft, taking off from the military airbase Shagol. In support of this version of the eyewitnesses say smoke trail, the direction of which is “just there.”

Meanwhile, on the building of the church of Alexander Nevsky, in which the body room, glancing cupolas with crosses.
The number of injured has continued to rise through the day as new reports come in from across a swath of central Russia.
As of late afternoon local time, the Interior Ministry said about 1,000 people had been hurt, including more than 200 children, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency said.

2. The opposition immediately accused the blogosphere defense system is that it is not hit by a meteorite ๐Ÿ™‚ MOE – that there was no warning of falling debris, ๐Ÿ™‚ Army – that it was a military missile ๐Ÿ™‚ media – of concealing the truth (read the comments with your own eyes, “I bet hundreds of corpses taken out” and I do not even go to the blogs of “Echo of Moscow” and other exciting places.) Individual subjected to censure Medvedev for bad joke about meteor rain as a character. In my opinion – on the background of those jokes that happily let go of the whole blogosphere, Prime joked innocently.

3. Most pleased with the reviews of foreigners. Along with the traditional “so they deserve, this Russian!” met and massive admiration for the Russian air defense system (right, let think so!), a surprise to the fact that Russia fully avtoregistrator by car (they do not know that we were in the sled and put the polar bears?), and attempts to understand what a phrase you’ll hear all the Russian, when they see an exploding car. ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, we know that phrase, we had grown and matured!

So – all right. Zinc Plant repaired, glass insert, wounded healed, compensation payments. I think that tonight Putin about this act and all declare. Well just have to make sure, you can not miss this event! If in the U.S. over some city so exploded – Obama would have been three speech delivered on the subject of the dangers of space, the need to unite the nation and promote world peace. And by the way, although I am being ironic, but it is the right response is – everything has to be paid to the benefit of their country. ๐Ÿ™‚

Another facility led to a panic in the Chelyabinsk district Hornets
Photo: eyewitnesses.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that after the fall of unidentified objects in the field of mobile communications is not working. Many people can not contact their relatives and terribly worried about them.

Most of those hurt are in the Chelyabinsk region, the news agency said. The vast majority of injuries are not thought to be serious.

About 3,000 buildings have sustained damage — mostly broken glass — as a result of the shock waves caused by the blast, the news agency reported.

The resulting meteorites are believed to be scattered across three regions of Russia, one of them Chelyabinsk, as well as neighboring Kazakhstan, the news agency said.

Ural Ufology will not investigate Chelyabinsk incident because, in their opinion, the authorities would not allow an independent investigation of a meteorite.

Military: air defense forces of the Central Military District, announced a plan to “Fortress”, implying full alert. About 23.20 Moscow time on record a short distance from the Earth, about 27.7 thousand miles, the asteroid will pass 2012 DA14 diameter of 45 meters.
The head of the region, Mikhail Yurevich, who is currently on a business trip in Moscow, plans to return to Chelyabinsk in the coming hours. The governor said that the situation after the meteor shower, which was held over the territory of the region is under control. “Indeed flying meteor or asteroid, leaving behind a shock wave. While no mass treatment of people with injuries, mostly, it bruises, cuts. Now the main thing – to keep the heat in homes and offices, where they were knocked out windows to prevent thawing of the heating system, “- said the governor.

NASA spokesman Steve Cole told CNN that scientists had determined that the Russian meteor was on a very different trajectory from the asteroid.

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