Orda Cave. Dive into underwater labyrinths

Orda – a cave in the south-western outskirts of the village of Orda Perm, on the left bank of the river Kungur. Embedded in gypsum and anhydrite of the Permian age. Consists of “dry” and the underwater part. The length of the dry part is 300 meters underwater – 4600 meters. To date, Orda Cave is the longest cave flooded Russia. In addition, part of the cave is the longest siphon in the CIS – 935 meters.

Orda - a cave in the south-western outskirts of the village of Orda Perm

Orda Cave is in the depths of Kazakov mountains – hill with a plateau-like flat-topped, goes around the river Kungur. Their height is 50 m on its surface are large sinks, one of which is located on the southern steep slope, and the entrance to the cave.

The geological structure of the mountains Kazakovsky involved two different strata: the covering consisting of karst and landslide deposits and bedrock related to Kungurskye tier Lower Permian. Karst and landslide deposits consist of clay, loam, gravel and rubble carbonate, at least – of sulphate rocks. Down the section they go into Ol’hovski breccia cemented presented fragments of limestone and dolomite. The bedrock deposits are irenskogo and Philippov horizons Kungurian tier. Under Olhovsky breccias lie shattered on the surface gypsum and anhydrite shalashninskoy packs (up to 15 m), alternating down the section carbonate rocks nevolinskoy pack (capacity 8-12 m) and then gypsum and anhydrite ledyanopescherskoy pack (capacity 15-20 m). Ledyanopescherskaya pack rests on dolomites and limestones of the Filippov horizon.

Orda Cave

Orda Cave

Underwater Foto.

Once in such a place, you will inevitably take possession of claustrophobia. Imagine if you will be in danger in the tunnels at this depth, then no one will be able to give you fast relief. Orda Cave, located in Russia, has many interesting places, but do not forget about all the dangers, coverts at great depths. There are hundreds of ways to die in a cave, not a lot of divers back from the depths.

Orda cave is located in the shadow of the Ural mountains, in the Perm region of Russia, on the border between Europe and Asia. It is the longest underwater cave system, which was discovered in the Soviet Union. Its length is 4,400 meters, most are under water, but there is a dry section. Longest underwater section of the cave is 935 meters. In underwater tunnels of the cave is very easy to get lost.

Caves – a kingdom of eternal cold and darkness – appear to us completely lifeless. But here, in the bowels of the earth, you can find amazing and mysterious creatures. We are talking about the famous krangoniksah Khlebnikov (Crangonyx Chlebnikovi Borutzky), small sandhoppers milk or off-white in color, sometimes with a yellowish tinge.

Mature individuals reach 20-25 mm, weight varies from 25 to 90 mg. Life in the underground darkness led them to a complete vision loss. Disappeared even the eyes themselves, and in their place were only bright yellow spots. Another feature krangoniksov – white or slightly yellow color – linked to the loss of pigment that imparts other amphipods particular color. Actually covers these crustaceans as transparent as glass, and have a translucent white muscle tissue.

Judging by the entries in the book Rope Zoological Museum, these crustaceans were first discovered Moscow zoologist E. Borutskim July 26, 1926 in the lakes ice cave in the valley near the village Mechka Urmy (Kungurskiy District of Perm Krai). He also described them as a new species. And the name of the crustaceans were in honor of the first guide and guardian Kungur Ice Cave A. Khlebnikov.

Krangoniksy Khlebnikov very rare. Until now, they were found only in the Orda, Kungur SUKSUN areas and Perm region. Most likely the whole world to anywhere else and no. That’s why krangoniks Khlebnikov – the only type of invertebrate species included in the Red Book of the Perm region in the status of the first category of scarcity.

Where did these crabs? How to get into the bowels of the earth? What they were eating, isolated from green plants multimeter rock mass? Precise answers to these questions science has not yet given. Scientists have found out that krangoniks Khlebnikov belongs to a very ancient group of crustaceans inhabiting the surface waters of the northern hemisphere back in the days when the whole territory of Perm region was covered by rainforest.

And then started cooling. Lush tropical flora leave the territory of the Perm region, instead murmur dense deciduous forests. Millions of years have passed. On the ground, getting colder and colder. The entire northern part of the Perm region covered a huge glacier. We passed thousands of years, as glaciers have left the territory of the Perm region. For thousands of years do not freeze in winter keys and springs. But somehow krangoniksy not returned to the surface, where it is warm and so much delicious food.

They too have changed over that time, which is spent underground. Too visible in her white dress on a dark background bottom. Blind and helpless, they become easy prey for birds, fish and invertebrate prey. The caves are now – their only protection.

But this protection is weaker. For krangoniksov Khlebnikov subject to very high sensitivity to changes in habitat conditions. The caves in the natural state are stable basic components of their regime. However, they are not so isolated from the outside world as it might seem. Groundwater bodies, including the cave lakes, just as susceptible to contamination as superficial, and as sensitive to events in their catchment area.

But most of all for krangoniksov dangerous tourism. People leave behind materials not typical for caves (or in excessive amounts for them), which can lead to contamination.

For example, among the tourists visiting Kungur ice, has long cultivated the tradition of throwing coins into the lake grotto Khlebnikov. This is where there is high concentration of heavy metals, in this very place the minimum number of registered krangoniksov and only found here crustaceans with necrotic spots on the gill leaflets.
History of exploration
Speleodayvery down to the main lake – the main entrance to the underwater part of the Orda cave.

Orda active research began in the early 1990s. In January 1993, the cave visited Perm caver Andrew Samovolnikov to learn about it from their friends – local residents. He told about the cave Igor Lavrov researcher Kungurian hospital Academy, collects information about all the caves edge. In November of the same year, Lavrov organized a small expedition, inviting her to participate in the members of the school travel mug of Odintsovo guests to Kungur on vacation. Volume of the cavity struck investigators – size grottoes were comparable to the magnitude of the large halls Kungur ice. Deep clean lakes, high plaster arches, whimsical snow and ice decoration of halls in the winter – all this only emphasizes the similarity of the two caves.

In March 1994 at the invitation of Igor in the Perm region (now – Perm) came experienced caver-diver from Ryazan Viktor Komarov, to dive into the final trap cave parallel in the vicinity of the lips. Submerged speed was too narrow, the opening did not take place, and because the air in the balloon remained, it was decided to check the lake Orda cave. There are in fact no one has ever been diving …

Lake of the Rocks Ice Palace surprise researchers was frozen. The ice was about half a meter thick, and made a long lane.

Recalls Viktor Komarov

“The amount of lanes allowed to pass with only one 7-liter bottle on the side – for exploratory dive is enough. Diving from the surface provides Igor Lavrov. It issued from the coil wire (runner). In swoops submarine was jammed during a few rocks and boulders. They held loosely, and they managed to lose. After clearing the pass I left the ceiling wide gallery, which led to the right and the left. First I decided to explore the right extension. After passing on it for about 30 meters, I realized that odnoballonnogo device is not enough. Powerful halogen lights provide a good assessment of the situation. Coming out of the trap, I decided to dive again, and continued to examine the left, but with the double balloon apparatus ”

However, in the left gallery runner stuck in the gap, and submariners had to quickly return. In this direction, it was passed 70 meters, but only managed to scout the 100 m first step in exploring siphons Orda was made. Then a plan known at the time the dry part of the cave.

In January 1995, during a joint out of the Horde cavers and tourists Kungur and Perm, Andrew Samovolnikov found passage to the most remote caves, dry part of the cave. The first of them was later named in honor of Professor of Perm State University GA Maksimovic, and the second, with a large lake – in honor of the famous Russian speleopodvodnika Vladimir Kiselyov, who was tragically killed in one of the underwater caves of the Arkhangelsk region in March, 1995. In February 1996, a new part of the cave was mapped Igor Lavrov and cavers caving MIPT “Barrier”, Director – Paul Luzan).

In July 1996, from Krasnoyarsk speleopodvodnik Peter Minenkov supported cavers Yekaterinburg Andrey Karpov and Sergey Kravtsov explored the next 250 meters underwater moves. For the first 75 m long siphon he discovered a large dry cave diameter of 50 and a height of 10 meters, which was later called Dry Hall. Since that time, the news of an unusually large underwater cave in the Urals has spread rapidly …

In December 1997, launched the first Russian expedition speleopodvodnaya. In Horde team came from Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow. Coordinator and initiator of the expedition was Yuri Basilevsky (Chelyabinsk), the scientific director – Igor Lavrov (Kungur).

Dive into underwater labyrinths
Dive into underwater labyrinths.

The cave entrance is located on the steep southern slope of the mountain, in the karst funnel diameter of 15 meters and a depth of 10 m, at the base of outcrops of gypsum. From the entrance into the cave stretches of scree block-sliding and clay deposits, which leads to the grotto Crystal 30 m long, 15 m wide and up to 8 m . In the vault of the grotto exposed gypsum and anhydrite shalashninskoy, and below – limestone and dolomite nevolinskoy pack. At a depth of 21 meters from the entrance, in the north-west corner of the cave, a lake , the level of which is close to the level of water in the river. Kungur.
The main course of the cave extends to the left of the cave entrance (-) and results in extended southwestward grotto Ice Palace 50 m, a width of 15 m and a height of up to 7 m (photo -6 -, -7 -, – 8 -, -9 -, -10 -). On the right wall of the cave formed by the crack discharge, exposed limestone and dolomite, and in the ceiling, cracks in pavements laid on – plaster. Paul grotto littered with fallen ceiling debris. As the distance from the entrance of their number increases, the floor rises at the end of the cave, he almost merges with the ceiling. In the north-eastern part of the cave is a lake (, Main, ) area of ​​20 m2. At the end of the cave are two passages in the blocky bulk, leading to long lake () of 25 m2 and the final room, dry part of the cave – grotto New (Photo -11 -, -12 -).
Cave Lake is the entrance to a large underwater system of tunnels and caves, formed in ledyanopescherskoy pack gypsum and anhydrite irenskogo horizon Kungurian tier Lower Permian, located below the water table . Underwater tunnels formed in the area of ​​the siphon circulation by entering a gypsum mass aggressive to plaster groundwater from fractured limestones and dolomites of the Filippov horizon Kungurian tier underlying gypsum-anhydrite sequence. Overlapping slightly ledyanopescherskuyu nevolinskaya karst limestone-dolomite pack, layers of which are also located below the water table, prevents collapse of the vaults of underwater galleries, so this can be achieved substantial transverse dimensions. Under similar conditions, probably formed the main gallery Kungur Ice Cave, drained with a decrease in the local base level of erosion.
The length of the Orda cave now stands 3,600 meters, of which 3,200 m falls on the underwater part. Depth is 41 m (21 m to lake levels and 20 m below it), the amplitude of – 43 m, area – 34 thousand m2. Among passed siphon stands the longest in Russia and CIS countries siphon (water completely flooded underpass) length 935 m

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