Manpupuner rock formations

The Manpupuner rock formations (Man-Pupu-Nyer; Мань-Пупу-нёр) or the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations or Poles of the Komi Republic are a set of 7 gigantic abnormally shaped stone pillars located north of the Ural mountains in the Troitsko-Pechorsky District of the Komi Republic. These monoliths are around 30 to 42 m high and jut out of a hilly plateau formed through the weathering effects of ice and winds

Manpupuner rock formations

Man Pupu Ner plateau – the unique nature. Is an amazing plateau in the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve.
How to get to Man Pupu Ner

The Manpupuner rock formations (Man-Pupu-Nyer; Мань-Пупу-нёр) or the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations or Poles of the Komi Republic are a set of 7 gigantic abnormally shaped stone pillars located north of the Ural mountains in the Troitsko-Pechorsky District of the Komi Republic. These monoliths are around 30 to 42 m high and jut out of a hilly plateau formed through the weathering effects of ice and winds
There are only two ways to visit the Lost Plateau Man-Pupy-Ner: walk – at least three days’ journey, circle, for miles – rugged, covered with taiga windbreak, or by helicopter. But in spite of visits, it is worth a visit. For such a miracle of nature – no more than anywhere else!

Manpupuner rock formations

Overcome the difficulties, you’ll be rewarded with an unprecedented and truly stunning experience. This plateau is called Ural Stonehenge. On its surface are 30-80 meters high pillars. Seven pillars. Locals say that there were ancient temples and lured perfume place. According to those who have been on a plateau, it does not feel like talking, eating, drinking, and in the head light – no superfluous thoughts. The only wish – just contemplate surroundings and feel it.

About 200 million years ago on the stone pillars were high mountains. Passed millennium. Rain, snow, wind, cold and heat gradually destroying mountains, and especially weak rock. Solid-seritsitokvartsitovye shale, which are composed of the remnants – less destroyed and preserved to this day, and the soft rocks were destroyed by weathering and carried by wind and water in depressions. It is hence the name – Pillars of weathering.

With pillars of weathering associated with numerous legends, weathered poles before were the objects of worship Mansi. One of them is described in the book of Professor Vera Varsanofevoy “Life Mountains”:
“Voguls, wandering here with their herds of reindeer, they say that these stone pillars were once family-Samoyeds giants who walked through the mountains in Siberia, destroying Vogulsky people. But when they reached the summit, now called Man-Pupu-Ner , their leader – shaman saw a Yalping-Ner – Vogulsky sacred mountain. horrified, he threw his drum, which fell on a high conical peak that rises to the south of Man-Pupu-called Koypom inequality and what it means in Vogulsky drum. and Shaman and all his companions were petrified with fear. “

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