Pekulneyskoe lake

Pekulneyskoe lake – the largest lake, lagoon-type fjord on the northern spurs of the Koryak Highlands – located in Anadyr region of Chukotka. Surface area is 435 km ². Separated from the Bering Sea system alluvial braid. Has stock in the sea over the river Main. Connected by channels with neighboring lake Vaamochka. The northern coast is high, south – low. Banks are covered with tundra vegetation. 3 km to the south-west of the lake is the village Meynypilgyno. The lake is home to the largest population of sockeye salmon. On the banks of the large white-headed gulls nest. Named for Mount Pekulney – Chukchi “knife-mountain.”

pelkuneyskoePekulneyskoe lake Foto

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