Lake Seydozero is located on the Kola Peninsula, in Murmansk Oblast within the Lake Lovozero and ensures runoff from the Seydyavryok River. The lake is situated at an altitude of 189 m above sea level. Seidozero length – 8 km, width – from 1.5 to 2.5 km.
In the center of the Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, among the peaks stretched Seydozero, The toponym can be translated from Sami as “sacred” or “holy”.
Legend of the origin of the name Seydozero – frightening and fascinating. Sejdiu – is, in the old Sami legends, sacred stones, which turned into dead, and the stone kept their spirits. Seydozero Saami associated with the afterlife paradise and causes awe.
At the end of the twentieth century Seydozero become the focus of many researchers of ancient history of the land. It is here that were found the remains of an ancient civilization in the history of mankind, which the ancient authors called Giperborey (in Greek mythology, the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans).
According to a number of science fiction writers and ufologists, one of the alleged existence of places Hyperborean civilization. Searchers unknown exploring these places since 1922. It was then that here an expedition of Alexander Barchenko – physician, occultist, and a number of certificates, an employee of the OGPU, which was seriously interested in a variety of psychic phenomena, in particular the Arctic meryachenem or psychosis cases which have been marked and the Kola Peninsula. Expedition discovered a number of artifacts on the basis of which Barchenko and made a statement about the discovery of Hyperborea. This hypothesis has found many opponents, among them was Academician Alexander Fersman, who was involved in the study and exploration of the area.
1997 Doctor of Philosophy Valeriy Demin – organized a new expedition to Seydozero “on the trail” Barchenko. Some of the findings of the expedition Barchenko have not been found, but there were new discoveries. For a more detailed study of and search for new artifacts Demin organized new expeditions in 1998 and 2001, involving a large number of specialized equipment and various experts from specialists in geophysics and experienced divers to explore the lake bottom.
Every year, here are sent to thousands of ecotourist who want to see the artifacts. In particular, the famous image Kuyva, rock which is on the shore of the lake. I still do not cease debate – found objects expeditions is in truth the remains of some ancient civilization, or their nature itself? Seydozero extraordinarily beautiful, as if poured into a bowl crystal clear waters, and grim dark gray and green rocks only enhance the wonderful contrast. No wonder academician Fersman at the time called it the pearl of the lake of the Kola Peninsula.
Sade is interesting not only for its archaic, but also mysterious, enigmatic. On this lake linked to many legends, myths, and anomalous phenomena. Seydozero as a magnet for various adventurers: ufology, cryptozoologists, psychics, researchers mythical Hyperborea – frequent visitors to the lake. On the northwest slope of the bluff “castle” rock the researchers found a whole group of painted and carved in stone deities. The most famous “old man” The surface of the stone is cracked, forming the likeness of a human figure.
Even in modern times continues Seydozero surprises. So in 1998, the participants of a scientific expedition, being on top of a fire mountain, we saw at the bottom Seidozero (to the west of the island of Grave) huge (up to 100 meters) mark consisting of the three cross-connected triangles … There is a popular legend about the villain Kuyva, the image of which can be seen on the rock near Seidozero. It is incredible size, about 70 meters in height and 30 – in width.
On Seydozero was discovered ancient observatory similar to Stonehenge, oriented to the stars. And on the rocks were found meter hieroglyphs that was partially translated using the ancient Indian language. From these kinds of spiral breath and impressions are so bright and vivid that will be remembered for a lifetime. Severe northern beauty, majestic mountains and wonderful silence calmness on the type of the sacred lake – this is the pearl of the Kola Peninsula!