Sikhote-Alin is an iron meteorite that fell in 1947 on the Sikhote-Alin Mountains in eastern Siberia

займы с 18 лет на карту срочно онлайн Though large iron meteorite falls had been witnessed previously and fragments recovered, never before in recorded history had a fall of this magnitude been observed. An estimated 70 tonnes of material survived the fiery passage through the atmosphere and reached the Earth.

The Sikhote-Alin ) is a mountain range in Primorsky and Khabarovsk Krais, Russia, extending about 900 km to the northeast of the Russian Pacific seaport of Vladivostok. The highest summits are Tordoki Yani (2,077 m), Ko Mountain (2,003 m) in Khabarovsk Krai and Anik Mountain (1,933 m) in Primorsky Krai.

Sikhote-Alin comprises one of the most extraordinary temperate zones in the world. Species typical of northern taiga (such as reindeer and the Ussuri Brown Bear) coexist with tropical species, the Amur leopard, Siberian tiger, and the Asiatic Black Bear. The region holds very few wolves, due to competition with tigers. The oldest tree in the region is a millennium-old Japanese yew.

At around 10:30 AM on February 12, 1947, eyewitnesses in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Primorye, Soviet Union, observed a large bolide brighter than the Sun that came out of the north and descended at an angle of about 41 degrees. The bright flash and the deafening sound of the fall were observed for 300 kilometres (190 mi) around the point of impact not far from Luchegorsk and approximately 440 km (270 mi) northeast of Vladivostok. A smoke trail, estimated at 32 km (20 mi) long, remained in the sky for several hours.

As the meteorite, traveling at a speed of about 14 km/s (8.7 mi/s), entered the atmosphere, it began to break apart, and the fragments fell together. At an altitude of about 5.6 km (3.5 mi), the largest mass apparently broke up in a violent explosion.

On November 20, 1957 the Soviet Union issued a stamp for the 10th anniversary of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite shower. It reproduces a painting by P. J. Medvedev, a Soviet artist who witnessed the fall: he was sitting in his window starting a sketch when the fireball appeared, so he immediately began drawing what he saw.

Sikhote-Alin meteorite is among the ten largest meteorite world, and a range of features makes this meteorite unique – for example, when the total homogeneity of the chemical composition it is not a single crystal, and is composed of a plurality of randomly oriented crystals, “poorly related” [Fesenko, 1978], which probably caused the collapse into many pieces.

This is a classic example of the meteorite fall. Were extremely favorable time and place of the fall, beautiful weather and even watershed, kept a picture of the devastation to the maximum. Location of a meteorite was discovered the next day, and two weeks later were the first investigators to the crash site.

Large volume of material has made possible almost any tests without danger to spend too much. So thoroughly studied meteorite. On it is written, at least, three monographs, and hundreds of scientific articles. Anyone interested can refer to the literature, and for the uninitiated short help bring the findings of fact.


The coordinates of the crash site – 46 ° 10 “N, 134 ° 39” E
The fall – 12 February 1947 at 10:00. 38 min. local standard time (0 hr. 38 min. world).
Trajectory – the azimuth of 20 °, the angle to the horizon – 38 °, on a finite interval of 60 °.
The length of the visible trajectory car – 140 km.
Flight time car – 4-5 seconds.
Radius sound phenomena – 120 km.
Soil concussion from a collision with Earth – 20-30 km (in Vladivostok – 420 km – Seismic not registered).
Related phenomena: a powerful trail of smoke, sound – strong at the moment of collision with the Earth and weaknesses in flight electrophonic marked rarity after the blast shot up the black cloud top height of 10 km. The next morning a large area of ​​snow looked gray.
During atmospheric flight meteorite fractions several times. By Divari: appeared at a height of 110 km, with the first split – 58 km, the second – 34 km, the third – and fourth 16 km – 6 km. Fell swarm (several swarms!) Debris.

Sikhote-Alin meteorite

Scattering region has an area of meteorite fragments 12h4 km [Tsvetkov, 1987]. In the front (head) of the ellipse fell largest debris in the rear – the smallest. In the crater field area of ​​0.75 sq km there are 24 of the crater with a diameter of more than 9 m, 98 craters of diameter 0.5 – 9 m and 78 holes with a diameter of less than 0.5 m from the craters of meteorites hitting the earth scattered into many pieces, in shell holes and wells – remained intact. Small individual copies scattered throughout the area directly on the surface. The largest crater has a diameter of 26 m and a depth of 6 m largest individual instance weighs 1745 kg, the largest piece of about 50 kg.


Mass of the collected material was a meteorite in 1986, more than 27 tons [directory …]. This includes tens of thousands of individual copies. The estimated mass of the meteorite entering the atmosphere of 1000 tonnes [Fesenko] fallen matter – about 70 tons Krinov [1981] and 100 tons Fesenkov [1978] and Tsvetkov [1987]. Thus, in the Ussuri taiga, there are still many tons of the substance of the meteorite.
VG Fesenkov doatmosfernaya calculated trajectory of the meteorite, and concluded that it came from the central part of the asteroid belt.
Coarse structure of that meteorite turned in crystallization of the liquid melt iron (93.32%), nickel (6%) and cobalt (0.47%) in the complete absence of oxygen. The structure of this dimension could be formed with a cooling rate of less than 10 ° C in a million years. Such conditions could be provided in the central part of the parent body. Approximately 450 million years ago, the body was destroyed, and the meteorite (asteroid!) launched an independent tour of the asteroid belt. About 70 million years ago, he broke up again. By the absence of distinct signs of metamorphism can be seen that during the walk to the cosmos it has not been any noticeable effects of temperature (Do not come close to the Sun) and pressures (not experienced with other celestial bodies).
On the classification of the meteorite assigned to one of 13 chemical groups – II B An. In this group, all meteorites – hexahedrites octahedrite and rough. All these meteorites 13, or 2.7% of all iron meteorites. It is believed that a genetic classification, ie Each group had its parent body.

Now more or less major museums of the world have samples of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite. Additionally recorded 27 tons of collected material, a lot of samples dispersed around the country and occasionally swim in unexpected places. Jokers give them a new meteorites. Usually fraud detected instantly, too characteristic appearance in the meteorite, but once it has gone far enough …

In 1976, an employee of the Geological Museum Association “Donbassgeologiya” VV Kulakowski referred to the Committee on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the meteorite fragment weighing 144, and reported that he was found in the bed of Donetsk coal. Age of coal seams was 285-340 million years. These findings until not. The meteorite was registered, was named Marinka and has been described VP Semenenko. Press dubbed it the oldest meteorite Earth.

But … apparently, there were doubts about its uniqueness. In 1983, analyzed the isotope Mn-53 with a half life of 3.7 million years. If the meteorite fell 300 million years ago, all isotopes of Mn-53 would have died out long ago. It turned out that they are in the same amount as in the Sikhote-Alin. The issue was settled. So nearly 10 years Marinka meteorite was dropped from the catalog.

Committee on Meteorites of the USSR organized in the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite 15 expeditions (1947-1950, 1967-1977). Within each of these was about 30 people. Delineated area scattering debris meteorite fragments found on the distribution of these areas are discussed in detail craters collected material. Finally, the area declared a natural monument.

Meteorite few corrected map of Primorye. Now two of the stream directly in the fall called small and large Meteor, and the highest hill in the area is named after LA Kulik. The nearest village – also Meteorite (until 1972 it was called Beytsuhe).

And most devoted to this meteorite researcher was Evgeny Leonidovich Krinov whose conscious life in meteoritics began in Tunguska. This meteorite was his meteorite. Although this meteorite as to the Tunguska, touched virtually all researchers involved in meteoritics. Among them: Acad. Fesenko, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Divari Sciences, Leningrad Geophysics Gorshkov ES and EG Guskova, Tallinn – geologists SA Aaloe and Yu Kestlane, Kiev kosmohimik doctor know what Sciences VP Semenenko, head of the Soviet space chemistry, doctor of chemical sciences, AK Lavrukhina, Tomsk mathematician AP Boyarkina and many, many others. I would like to mention one more person stretch participated in all 15 expeditions – Yegor Ivanovich Malinkina. He served as a laboratory assistant and caretaker, and a perpetual supporter. And now he continues to serve on the Committee on Meteorites, experience their hard times. By luminaries Sikhote-Alin is candidate physical and mathematical sciences, VI Tsvetkov, who participated in 1967 in all expeditions, and the last and head.

In a sense, the Sikhote-Alin meteorite is the opposite of the Tunguska. Here are some features that distinguish them:

Flight time car – 5 seconds in the case of the Sikhote-Alin and a few minutes – for the Tunguska.
Scale car – the apparent path of the Sikhote-Alin – 140 km, Tunguska – 700 km.
The explosion in the air and on the Tunguska impact on the ground – in the Sikhote-Alin (Academician V. Fesenko connects it with the speed of a space body, which is hardly consistent with the known facts).
The nature of surface damage is completely different. In Tunguska huge off and burn the trees. The Sikhote-Alin – craters with radial fall out of 20-30 meters and a complete absence of burns.
The lack of seismic and the more magnetic disturbances in the Sikhote-Alin.
Lack of substance in Tunguska cosmic body.
A huge (global) scale atmospheric anomalies in Tunguska and a very limited and short in the Sikhote-Alin.
In general, the different scale phenomena. The Sikhote-Alin – the largest meteorite world and local manifestation of phenomena accompanying the fall. In Tunguska – the lack of a meteorite and powerful related phenomena. A number of parameters, marked abnormalities in Tunguska, has never been studied in the Sikhote-Alin. Such as elemental anomalies in soils and peats, mutations in plants, finally, a large meteorite impact on the flora of the area. All this can be investigated, and a comparison would be useful and even interesting.

Because the meteorite fell during daytime, it was observed by many eyewitnesses. Evaluation of this observational data allowed V. G. Fesenkov, then chairman of the meteorite committee of the USSR Academy of Science, to estimate the meteoroid’s orbit before it encountered the Earth. This orbit was ellipse-shaped, with its point of greatest distance from the sun situated within the asteroid belt, similar to many other small bodies crossing the orbit of the Earth. Such an orbit was probably created by collisions within the asteroid belt.

On the territory of the natural monument “Sikhote-Alin” is Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre “cliff” – one of the places that tourists love to visit.

Center was founded in 1996 by Vladimir E. Kruglov, professional tigrolovom, captured more than 40 tigers in the Ussuri taiga. Located on the outskirts of. Kutuzovka District of. Lazo, a two-hour drive from the city of Khabarovsk. The center was established to rehabilitate wild animals where treated and nursed the wounded and weakened by wild animals and their babies who have lost their parents. After the rehabilitation of animals are returned to the natural environment. At the heart of the animals are kept in spacious enclosures. For observation and treated by the staffers. In the center at various times were tigers, bears, bobcats, goats, spotted deer, red deer. After recovery, they were released into the wild. This is the only place in the region where wild animals can find shelter and assistance from the people.

Veteran and a business card of the Center is the Siberian tiger named Deep.

The center operated hotel with 24 seats, a Russian sauna, coffee shop, you can buy a souvenir, take a walking tour and see the wild animals at the rehabilitation.

The services offered to tourists

Visit the center, observation, photos and videos of wild animals (tiger, lynx, Himalayan and brown bears, deer, red deer, sika deer, fox, raccoon);
Nature walks through the trail (5 km), observation decks sold out, yew wood;
In the summer boating on the river Khor;
In winter, a walk in the winter woods snowmobile “Buran”;
Horseback riding in the saddle and on the sledge;
Rock and ice routes;
Catering for 24 seats with amenities;
Russian bath;
On the territory of the monument there are about 30 species of trees, of which the biggest tree growing on the territory of the monument – Korean pine reaches 5 meters in diameter, the oldest yew tree, whose age is about 1000 years.

Of the rare, the smallest bird species in the monument – pygmy owl, the biggest – Steller’s sea eagle.

The highest rock, which is located near the center is 50 meters. Here trails for rock and ice routes, where anyone can test themselves in the art of climbing.
Most rare animal from living in forests of the Sikhote-Alin, which is always available here – the Amur tiger. Weight of adult tiger is 160 200 kg. Usually, every three or four years the female tiger brings 1 – 4 cubs stay with a 3 years

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