Lake Labaz

Lake Labaz (Russian word Labaz can be translated as “storage shed” ) is a large freshwater lake in Krasnoyarsk Krai, north-central part of Russia. It is located at 72.3°N 99.6666667°E and has an area of 470 km². Boganida River flows from the lake.


Lake Labaz – a large freshwater lake in the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Autonomous District, Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia, situated in the central part of the North Siberian Lowland. Is the second largest on the Taimyr Peninsula (first – Lake Taimyr).

The main type of food: the snow-storm.

Into the lake: Dmitry, Nelda (via Lake Arylakh) Dzhielah-Yuryakh (Em), flow out of the lake Ortho Kyuel. In Ortho-Kyuel River flows Bedia and ducts of a large lake Kharga.

From the lake originates Kegerdi river, a left tributary of the river Boganida (inflow Kheta).

The shores of Lake sparse vegetation, but in the northeast, across the river Dmitri, there are small tracts of forest. West of that river are several wintering (beams).

In Labasa has several bays: Hol-Kharga in the south-west, West Bay and North Bay. There are islands of Kusagan-Ary and Symyttyr-Ary.

Lake Labaz from space (false color)

Labasa river basin belongs Khatanga Khatanga Bay flows into the Laptev Sea. To the north and east it is bordered by New River Basin (North – The Black River and other small rivers, east – Big River Forest Rassokha), from the west – a large lake with a swimming pool of the Washington and to the south – with pool Large Rassomashey (inflow Kheta).

In Labasa pool includes the following lakes: Kumahtah, Arylakh, Kokuori, Mayagastah, Kunzhalah, Ortho-Kyuel, Kharga, Lake U-Sankalah, Atahtar, emission Balykty, Ohon-Kyuel, Bedia, emission Ukyulyah, ultrasound Kyuel, Martin and many others, the river, Dmitri, Nelda, Dzhielah-Yuryakh (EM), Bedia, Chirdah-Yuryage, Debgen-Biske, Chaykala Salah, Ranta-Biscaye and others.

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