Kamchatka Peninsula. There are people with a spirit of adventure and taste for discovery.

The Kamchatka Peninsula, the Commander Islands, and Karaginsky Island constitute the Kamchatka Krai of the Russian Federation. The vast majority of the 322,079 inhabitants are Russians, but there are also about 8,743 Koryaks (2002). More than half of the population lives in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (179,526 people in 2010) and nearby Yelizovo (38,980).
The Kamchatka peninsula contains the volcanoes of Kamchatka, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lovers of photography Kamchatka provides an incredible opportunity to meet the most sophisticated creative requests. It can be said that Kamchatka and photos are inextricably linked. Sometimes it seems that photography was invented specifically for Kamchatka.
Kamchatka is probably the only place where the saying “Bears walk on the streets of Russia” is true…

– Always carry pepper spray in bear country.
– Never approach an animal carcass, as it is likely a food cache.
– Watch for signs of stress in you subject, ears flattened out or bristling of fur.
– Avoid approaching bird of prey nests as you could cause nest failure.
– Huffing of breath spells trouble with many species of wildlife.
– Always plan ahead, if are unfamiliar with the terrain or area hire a guide.
– Observe patterns of behavior.
– Observe and take note of indigenous food sources of your subject.
– Remember no shot is worth risking the well being or safety of any wildlife subject.
– Make as little impact on the environment as possible.

Intersnyh very unique culture of local people Chukchi, Koryak, Itelmen and Evens. But the history of the development of Kamchatka, the Russian people, as well as the newest history of the region of interest no less.
The Special ethnic dance for tourists on Kamchatka

Although Kamchatka lies at similar latitudes to Great Britain, cold arctic winds from Siberia combined with the cold Oyashio sea current result in the peninsula being covered in snow from October to late May. Under the Köppen climate classification Kamchatka generally has a subarctic climate (Dfc) but higher and more northerly areas have a polar climate (ET). Kamchatka is much wetter and milder than eastern Siberia, and is essentially transitional from the hypercontinental climate of Siberia and Manchuria to the rain-drenched subpolar oceanic climate of the Aleutian Islands.

The life force of Kamchatka spawned an extraordinary nature, woven out of the mountains and valleys, rivers and lakes, boreal forest, tundra, alpine meadows, forests and parks. Elsewhere in Kamchatka full of life. Herbs that will rise on the mainland almost to the waist, is grown up human growth, our bears and moose are among the largest in the world, spawning rivers are full of fish stocks, the mushrooms here in the summer so much that sometimes it is hard to believe. Familiarity with the animals and plants of the peninsula – a worthy goal for the trip to our region. Kamchatka nature has remained virtually untouched and unspoiled by man.


One of Russia’s most famous natural locations is the Kamchatka Peninsula which is also the home of 160 volcanoes which line the Kamchatka River. This has also been given the title of World Heritage Site. Speaking of volcanoes, you can find the largest volcano in the northern hemisphere in this area, Klyucheyskaya Sopka. Fascinating wildlife inhabit this area including brown bears, wolves, foxes, reindeer, moose, eagles and falcons. These are found in greater numbers here than anywhere else in the world.

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