Kamchatka Bezy Kliyu Kamen

Kamchatka volcanoes: Klyuchevskaya Sopka (top), Bezymianny (bottom), both in activity, and the Kamen (middle).

Kamen (translated from Russian: “Stone”) is a stratovolcano located in the southern part of Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, flanked by Bezymianny and Kluchevskaya. It is the second highest volcano of Kamchatka.


Kamen Volcano is located in the heart of Klyuchevskaya volcano group. Typical stratovolcano with regular cone. Extinct volcano, refers to one of the most ancient. Composed of interbedded andesitic lavas of basaltic composition with phenocrysts of plagioclase and pyroxene, and rare – hornblende andesite and pyroclastic material of the same composition. The grounds are ancient volcanic lava megaplagiofirovye Klyuchevskaya group and rock shield volcano Ushki.


Stone – the second highest volcano in Kamchatka. Its steep slopes. South East presents deep circus, resulting from the collapse, which occurred 1000-1200 years ago. Steepness here reaches 45-70 °, the surface is represented by loose rock. The northern and western sides start from the passes between the volcanoes and Ushkovsky Kliuchevsky. They are really cool (35-40 °) and is almost completely covered with ice and firn. Difficult to obtain top of the volcano.


Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes – Cluster of volcanoes in the Far East, in the Kamchatka peninsula

The largest group of volcanoes in Russia. Included in the eastern volcanic zone.

Located in the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula is located in the lower reaches of the Kamchatka River, on its turn to the east, at the headwaters of the rivers Right and Left Tolbachik, Dry Hapitsy, Chill.

The total area of ​​the Klyuchevskaya volcano group is 6.5 thousand km ².

Only the group of 14 volcanoes, and it consists of four active volcanoes – Nameless Kliuchevskii Kizimov and Flat Tolbachik and 9 extinct – Stone, far plane, Middle Flat, Middle, Isle Tolbachik, Big Zimin, Minor Zimin, Big Udine and Nikolko Minor Udine. In addition, the area Klyuchevskaya group has about 400 smaller type volcanic lava and cinder cones, extrusive domes.

Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes satellite photo.
Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes

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