Lake Krasnoye (Chukotka)

Lake Krasnoye is the biggest lake in Anadyrsky Liman, situated in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is located in the extreme north-east of Russiaand occupies the whole Chukchi Peninsula, a part of continent and a number of islands (Vrangel, Iron, Ratmanov and others ).
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Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is washed by East-Siberian and Chukchi Sea of the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea of the Pacific Ocean.


Red Lake – the largest lake in the Anadyr Lowlands, is in Anadyr region of Chukotka. Located in the lower reaches of the Anadyr River and takes a broad depression. To the west of the lake basin is bounded by uplifts Chikaevskih mountains (280-390 m), and from the east – the spurs (350-420 m) ridge Rarytkin. The lake is 35 km, width – 15 km, depth – up to 4 meters. Surface area – 458 km ² . The lake itself is a piece of the old course of Anadyr. However, the high number of large pieces of obsidian on the shores of lakes and rivers flowing into it may be evidence of participation in the formation of the basin of the lake and the ancient volcanic processes. Eastern shores of the lake are steep, and the north and south – are flat and low-lying. Two channels lake connects with the river Anadyr. Red Lake is influenced by tides propagating in from the Gulf of Anadyr Anadyr. Lake – feeding ground white-fish (white salmon, whitefish, whitefish), except that it supports the pike, come summer chum salmon, pink salmon, smelt, Arctic char. Immediately after the withdrawal of the ice in the lake come herds belugas. Rivers flow into the lake: Birch, Lamutskaya, Keyvylgilveem, Talyaynyn etc. The lake and surrounding area in the projected water nature monument “Red Lake” . On one of the duct connecting the lake to the river Anadyr is the village of red.

The village of the Red formed in 1957. It is located in the Red Lake priuste, from which it is its name. Red and brown the lake gave the name of Red Lake. A small village – 0.24 square meters. km. It will live a hundred people (in 2010), mostly indigenous people. The main occupation – reindeer herding and fishing.

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